With our nursing care service, which was established in 2005, we offer you long-standing experience in the provision of all benefits in kind pursuant to SGB XI [Volume XI of the German Social Code].
They include:
• Relief services
• Preventive care
• Help with application for nursing care benefits and, if applicable, recognition of the degree of disability
• Accompaniment during the MDK (medical service of the health insurance) evaluation
• Consultation
One of the strengths of our nursing service lies in the interculturalism of our staff, who not only have the necessary language skills (German, Russian, Ukrainian, English) but also understand the specific details of the individual cultures and traditions. The background of the individual care recipient is considered by our care team.The circle of our cooperation partners is just as intercultural.
In order to maintain our high-quality nursing care standard, we train and qualify our staff at regular intervals.
Outpatient Nursing Service Medius operates in all districts of Berlin.