EN_Imprint - Überschrift


Impressum IB Berlin gGmbH

Internationaler Bund - IB Berlin-Brandenburg gGmbH für Bildung und soziale Dienste (IB Berlin-Brandenburg gGmbH)
Represented by the managing directors: Kerstin Ewert, Niels Spellbrink
Rigaer Straße 44
10247 Berlin
Phone.: 030 629017-0
Fax: 030 629017-39
E-Mail: Berlin-Brandenburg@ib.de

Impressum_Zusatz IB Berlin gGmbH

Registry Court: Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main
Register number: HRB 99698
Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a Sales Tax Act: DE 815531925

Redakteur Carol Neumann

Editorial responsibility pursuant to Section 18 (2) MStV:
Carol Neumann, Rigaer Str. 44, 10247 Berlin

Verbraucherstreitbeilegung IB Berlin-Brandenburg gGmbH

Consumer Dispute Resolution

IB Berlin-Brandenburg gGmbH is neither obligated nor willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

EN_Hinweis zum Gender Mainstreaming

Note on gender mainstreaming

To ensure that the content on this page is easy to understand, we have used gender-neutral terms wherever possible. Where this was not possible, we have restricted ourselves to the male form.

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