Outpatient Nursing Service Medius

Premium nursing care in your home

Signs of old age, illness or disability can greatly limit a person’s daily life. But that is no reason to give up familiar surroundings. We support you so that you can maintain your independence. We stay true to our claim ‘Strengthening humanity’!

We are there for you!

It is often increasingly difficult to perform basic household chores. Filling out applications and other correspondence can also become challenging. Let us help you!

Many people become increasingly insecure as they age or become disabled. This applies especially to the completion of necessary tasks. We accompany you to various facilities, doctor visits, authorities or even to senior citizens’ meetings.

If you wish, we can arrange ‘grooming-related’ services for you. This includes medical foot care, pedicure, manicure, hairdressing and physical therapy.

We can also arrange additional services based on your individual needs.
Just let us know what you need!

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